
I am your host, Natalie, and this is an account of my personal piano restoration project. If you are looking for specific information, tips, or techniques regarding piano restoration or refinishing, you have come to the wrong place. However, if you are interested in reading about my progress, miracles, or mishaps, I invite you to read on. Notice the newest post will always be below this message and following it are the previous four. If you have missed part of the journey, or are just joining, please, refer to the blog archive located near the bottom of this page.

Wednesday, August 5

An Unfortunate Veneer Disease

At least each piece of veneer covering the piano cabinet has some type of gouge, chip, or peeling. Some of the chips could be filled in with a wood putty, but I think some of the more obvious gouges are going to need some patchwork veneer for the best finish.

By examining the wood against various types of wood grains, I think I've decided that the veneer is probably made of a ribbon stripe African mahogany. Unfortunately, most places seem to offer only 4'x8', or larger, sheets of veneer, and most small sheets are about 1/16" thick.

So, until I acquire some, keep your eyes peeled! (Because I know you're all shopping for veneer.)

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Wisconsin, United States
I am the DIY-Amateur Style gal behind Restoring the Apollo. I have no experience in actual restoration or refinishing, just common sense and a knack for odd repair jobs. Restoring the Apollo is my first project of this nature, with possibly more to follow.